The Virgin Suicides is a film set in 1974, Michigan. The story follows four boys who are reflecting on their old neighbours, the five Lisbon sisters. The Lisbon sisters are strictly unreachable due to their overprotective parents. The Girls, Therese, Mary, Bonnie, Lux and Cecilia are the puzzle that fill the boys’ conversations.
At the beginning of the film the youngest sister, Cecilia, attempts suicide as she slits her wrists in a bath. In attempt to make her feel better Mr and Mrs. Lisbon throw a chaperoned party. Cecilia excuses herself and leaves to go upstairs to her bedroom. She jumps out the window and impales herself on an iron fence, killing her instantly. This act put the Lisbon family on edge and Mr and Mrs Lisbon on full alert, watching their daughters intently and isolating them from the community.
Having broken curfew at the homecoming dance, the girls are punished by a furious Mrs. Lisbon by being taken out of school and shut in their house. Unable to leave the house, the sisters contact the neighborhood boys across the street by using light signals and sharing songs over the phone to communicate. …show more content…
When the boys arrive that night, they find Lux alone in the living room, smoking. She invites them to wait for her sisters, while she goes to wait in the car. The boys wander into the basement and discover Bonnie's body hanging from the ceiling. Terrified, they rush upstairs only to stumble across the bodies of the remaining sisters. They had all killed themselves in a suicide pact moments before knowing that the boys would discover their bodies. Therese overdosed on sleeping pills, Mary stuck her head in the gas oven, and Lux left the car engine running in the garage, dying from carbon monoxide poisoning. The boys flee home and agree not to tell anybody about their experience that night at the Lisbon house. The bodies of the Lisbon sisters were found the next morning by Mr. and Mrs.