Literature Review
a) Student Performance
Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA to measure student performance because they main focus in on the student performance for the particular semester. Some other researchers used test results or previous year result since they are studying performance for the specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 1998).
b) Communication
Many researchers has been discussed the different factors that affects the student academic performance in their research. There are two types of factors that affect the students’ academic performance.
These are internal and external classroom factors and
these factors strongly affect the students’ performance.
Internal classroom factors includes students
competence in English, class schedules, class size,
English text books, class test results, learning facilities, homework, environment of the class, complexity of the course material, teachers role in the class, technology used in the class and exams systems. External classroom factors include extracurricular activities, family problems, work and financial, social and other problems. Research studies shows that students’ performance depends on many factors such as learning facilities, gender and age differences, etc. that can affect student performance (Hansen, Joe B., 2000).
Harb and El-Shaarawi (2006) found that the most important factor with positive effect on students' performance is student's competence in English. If the
students have strong communication skills and have strong grip on English, it increases the performance of the students. The performance of the student is affected by communication skills; it is possible to see communication as a variable which may be positively related to performance of the student in open learning. A major distinction of this study from previous studies is that it focuses on open learning (Abdullah