1. Title
-“effects of lack parental guidance on Teenagers”
2. Statement of the Problem
-teenagers and parents do not get along with each other.
3. Research Objectives
-to let the audience know what is parental guidance
-to let the audience know what is happening to the teenagers in this generation
4. Research Method
- The teenager is a uniquely human phenomenon. Adolescents are known to be moody, insecure, argumentative, angst-ridden, impulsive, impressionable, reckless and rebellious. Teenagers are also characterized by odd sleeping patterns, awkward growth spurts, bullying, acne and snobbish behavior. So what could be the possible benefit of the teenage phase? Most other animals - apes and human ancestors included - skip that stage altogether, developing rapidly from infancy to full adulthood. Humans, in contrast, have a very puzzling four-year gap between sexual maturity and prime reproductive age. Anthropologists disagree on when the teenage phase first evolved, but pinpointing that date could help define its purpose. There are a variety of current explanations for the existence of teenagers. Some believe that we need longer for our large brains to develop. Other explanations suggest that a teenage phase allows kids to learn about complex social behavior and other difficult skills, or that it is even required to develop coordinated bipedal bodies adapted to travelling long distances.
5. Resources Headed
6. Completion Date
School Year 2013 - 2014
A. Background
-this research was important to let the people know that some teenagers and parents are not in good terms and always fighting. Parents cannot enlighten their children when they do not have the knowledge to do so and their failure to connect with their children is the reason they cannot correct their problem.
B. Problem Statement
-teenagers nowadays are rebels, so we need to let them know that we have their back and let them understand what is the point of view of the parents and give them support to what they want in life and let them practice some moral characters.
C. Research Question:
A.)What is Parental Guidance?
B.)Why do teenagers need Parental Guidance?
C.)Why Teenagers Demand for Freedom
D.)How do Parents Use Strict Parental Guidance?
E.)Why do Teenagers Nowadays Regret that they don’t follow the parental guidance of their Parents?
D. Research Objectives
We need to that teenage rebellion as part of their development into young adults, humans must develop an identity independent from their parents or family and capacity for independent decision-making. They may experiment with different roles,behaviours and ideologies as part of developing an identity. And Parents can also help guide their teen to make smart choices, their guidance helps the teen more supported and secure in himself and his/her environment and parents are finding teens involved In behaviors that parents aren’t agreeing with, and suddenly parents are having to come up with more concrete guidelines for teens.
E. Hypothesis(answer to the questions)
1.) It is the responsibility of parents, that guides their children in their life, so that they will be mold as a better person and to be a good citizen
2.) Teenagers really do need their parents to help them in life. They need someone to teach them what’s wrong or right until they can know it on their own. Some teenagers might not like it when their parents tell them what to do but their parents are only doing it out of love, our parents are only trying to help you not hurt you because they want you to have a great life and succeed in life.
3.) Teenagers nowadays rebel because of strict guidance; it’s like everything that everything is being controlled by their parents. And many parents seldom interact with their children on matters of relationships and the changes from childhood to adolescence or try to find out the issues that might be affecting them.
4.) Authoritarian Parents show a lot of discipline and no warmth, these are one of the strict parental guidance that some of the parents are using.
5.) They will not regret because nothing happens yet. But in time, when something bad will happen to them, they will regret that they did not listen to their parents advices.
F. Definition of Terms
*Authoritarian parenting-have high expectations on their children and have very strict rules that expect to be followed unconditionally
*ideologies-a theory of the origins of ideas which derives them exclusively from sensation
G. Importance of the Scope and the limitation of the Study
-Teenage rebellion and Parental guidance