Member Lists: Fernando, Jose Felipe
Ison, Liesel Matic, Rhommelie Nicolas, Princess Janine
Setting/Context: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only offers your body the energy and nutrition it needs to function but also offers many health benefits that can help one live longer and have a better life. With the help of new technology, keeping track of health is now easier. We proposed an android application that will keep an eye on your personal health. It will run in Android platform and ADT (Android Development Tool) such as Eclipse. This application is primarily intended for teenagers and seniors.
Capstone Problem and Rationale: Nowadays, teenagers are not aware of their health status. They lack basic knowledge regarding concerns about their health. Some also neglect healthy diet and exercise. Spending too much time playing applications which are unprofitable may result in health damage. Furthermore, youth today are more reliable on their gadgets such as smartphones and tablets. Information about health through books and reading materials are disregarded most of the time.
Aside from that, individuals who feel signs of illnesses are just ignoring their health concerns due to financial difficulties. Check-up and health consultations are too expensive to afford for common individuals and they just tend not to pay attention to it.
With the use of this application, we plan to accomplish the following goals:
To promote greater awareness on health care especially for teenagers
To integrate reading materials into a more appealing form
To help individuals gain information about diseases and health risk
To provide health information that can be access anytime and anywhere
To inform individuals about physical fitness
Project Description:
a. Narrative:
The application was developed to provide health information about medical diseases, causes, symptoms and