Selfie Culture Among 4th Year High School Students
Of La Consolacion College
And Its Effect On Self-perception
The term “selfie” is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera especially for posting on social networks. Other definitions enumerate using camera phones, tablets, and other devices to take self-portraits, and specify relevant online network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where people post their photographs.
The history of selfie is commonly associated with the evolution of mobile phones and the advent of social media.
As more and more companies produced sophisticated mobile phones with built in cameras and internet web-access, many people have been greatly encouraged to take photos and post them online using these handy devices.
This increasing habit is further fostered by the introduction of social networks, defined as internet service sites where people can contact each other and share online content and media. Examples of social network sites include Friendster and Myspace, both are now obsolete but have preceded the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram which are arguably the most popular networks to date. Although these sites have different specific purposes, they have one common feature. People can share photos where their contacts can see them and make comments on the images. Such developments lead to the general pervading inclination of taking self-portraits, now coined as selfie, a phenomenon so popular that in 2013, it has been declared by Oxford English dicitionary as the “word of the year.”
Selfie is very prevalent because aside from the fact that almost anyone can do it easily, it gives people the opportunity and the control as to how they present themselves. Many selfies are intended to present a flattering image of a person, especially to