Background of the Study Electricity theft is a social evil. Electrical energy worth billions of dollars is stolen from the utilities globally every year. These costs are routinely passed on the customers in the form of higher energy charges. Utilities are trying hard to find ways to combat it. Any interference with proper recording of meter or diversion of electricity from main power line is a theft. Most of the countries have realized the importance of this evil and formulated strict laws to curb theft of electricity. But crooks always have the ability to keep one step ahead of the theft detection system. They stay in business purely through their flair to overcome any challenge that comes their way. They will find ways to be ahead of any Anti power theft detection system and will try to hoodwink the vigilance wing. Gone are the days of crude mechanical ways to tamper with the meter or divert electricity from main line. The money power involved in this game is beyond imagination. There is power theft all over the world. Like any other commodity, electricity also can be stolen. Generally, people including those in law enforcement agencies, find it hard to believe, still harder to prove. Theft is commonly believed to happen when something is seen taken without knowledge or consent of the owner. But electrical energy cannot be seen to be taken. This makes the detection and bringing to book the culprits engaged in illegal abstraction of energy really challenging. Power theft exists wherever there is use of power. No country in the world is an exception, only the percentage may vary. In one country, theft may be mainly for operating air conditioners while at another it may be for operating heaters for escaping the cold climatic condition. The people pilfer energy is not for direct monetary gain in all cases. In certain industries, the excise duty, sell tax, etc. are determined based on the actual consumption of energy. In order to