and they were waiting, too, for the baby…”. This could show that people were waiting in heaven ,but they are sledding down a hill so the people could have seen them and were waiting to help them. Lastly, Jonas starts to lose his consciousness but he forces his eyes open and to stay upright holding Gabe as they go down the hill. Evidence from the text of this is on page 179, “Jonas felt himself losing consciousness and with his whole being willed himself to stay upright…” and “he forced his eyes open as they went downward…” Even though the story could have gone either way there is a chance Jonas lived in the end.
and they were waiting, too, for the baby…”. This could show that people were waiting in heaven ,but they are sledding down a hill so the people could have seen them and were waiting to help them. Lastly, Jonas starts to lose his consciousness but he forces his eyes open and to stay upright holding Gabe as they go down the hill. Evidence from the text of this is on page 179, “Jonas felt himself losing consciousness and with his whole being willed himself to stay upright…” and “he forced his eyes open as they went downward…” Even though the story could have gone either way there is a chance Jonas lived in the end.