Relevant Literature and published studies were limited but were none the less considered to find support for the objectives of this study.
Durenberger (Encarta 1998), According to his, the need to deal with increasingly stiffer competitions, brought about a growing trends among hotels to offer guests greater convenience.
Indeed, surviving competition not only meant offering luxurious accommodations, modern facilities as well as first class amenities it also meant keeping service efficiency as highest level at all times.
Reservation, bring the initial points of contact between guest and hotel service personnel, should then meant managements careful attention and consideration for automation. Accessibility, the speed which a hotel is able to confirm a guests reservation and most importantly to ensure a hassle-free check-in, all spell convenience for guests. For all intents and purposes and any prospective guests lost at this point due to in accessibility, unavailable, inaccurate and incomplete information as worse failing up a confirmed reservation, is lost for a good.
Sprague (Encarta 1998) he also made mention of another trend which brought on the necessity of computerized reservation among hotels. Chain operations in the industry are a continuing trend worldwide particularly in the United States. Central reservations among others make efficient management possible for such an operation.
Bowen (Encarta 1998) he said that about 30 percents of all American hotels are affiliated with chains or franchised groups.
Douglas H. Haden “Total Business: Computers in Business”, (1997) According to his, one of the significant aspect of business data processing is that it sets it apart from their computer applications, the massive amount of data that must be the typical computerized business system. A second significant aspect by which greatly compounds the first is the large number of interrelationship among the data items which the business system