Caes THEO 1100-A class. Introduction to theology covers a variety of topics including the existence of God, Scripture, Trinity, Covenants, Christology, and Sacramental Theology. About a month into the course, the big ideas covered were Scripture, Tradition, theological interpretation, the four senses, and lectio divina. During this portion of the course would have been a perfect opportunity to read Thirsting For Prayer because Philippe covers parallel topics through prayer. Lectio Divina is explored in the fourth section the book. Additionally, Scripture is talked about continuously throughout Thirsting for Prayer, and reading Philippe’s book while discussing similar topics in class would have helped me gain a better understanding for prayer and its importance. Although not everyone is reading Thirsting for Prayer as a class assignment, I believe I have friends and family that I believe would benefit from reading Thirsting for Prayer. Most specifically, one of my best friends has expressed that her spiritual life is going through a dry spell. I would recommend this book to her because I believe it would reignite the kindling fire for her spiritual life. She and I think similarly, and because I benefited from this read, I believe she also
Caes THEO 1100-A class. Introduction to theology covers a variety of topics including the existence of God, Scripture, Trinity, Covenants, Christology, and Sacramental Theology. About a month into the course, the big ideas covered were Scripture, Tradition, theological interpretation, the four senses, and lectio divina. During this portion of the course would have been a perfect opportunity to read Thirsting For Prayer because Philippe covers parallel topics through prayer. Lectio Divina is explored in the fourth section the book. Additionally, Scripture is talked about continuously throughout Thirsting for Prayer, and reading Philippe’s book while discussing similar topics in class would have helped me gain a better understanding for prayer and its importance. Although not everyone is reading Thirsting for Prayer as a class assignment, I believe I have friends and family that I believe would benefit from reading Thirsting for Prayer. Most specifically, one of my best friends has expressed that her spiritual life is going through a dry spell. I would recommend this book to her because I believe it would reignite the kindling fire for her spiritual life. She and I think similarly, and because I benefited from this read, I believe she also