Using your text (Chapters 6-9), Newman (Chapters 4-6), outside readings and primary documents thoroughly answer the following questions.
1. Why did the Ohio Valley become the arena of conflict between the French and British in America?
2. How did the French and Indian War help bring about the American Revolution?
3. Describe salutary neglect. How and why did it come to an end?
4. Describe the economic philosophy of mercantilism.
5. What was the Sugar Act and what was it significance?
6. Describe the Stamp Act and the colonial reaction.
7. Describe the philosophy of the American Revolution.
8. What were the Townshend Duties? What was Parliament’s rationale for them and how did the colonies react?
9. Describe the actions of the First Continental Congress.
10. What was the rationale for the Tea Act? Why did the colonies see the Tea Act as a threat to themselves and institutions?
11. Describe the actions of the Second Continental Congress.
12. How did Parliament react to the Boston Tea Party? How did the colonies respond to the actions of Parliament?
13. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the British and colonies, respectively, as the American Revolutionary War began? What would Britain have to do to win? What would the colonies have to do to win?
14. Compare and contrast the Loyalists and the Patriots – outlook, background and interests.
15. What were the major arguments presented by Thomas Paine in Common Sense.
16. What were the major principles of government highlighted by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence?
17. What were the Articles of Confederation? How were they an outgrowth of the American Revolution?
18. Who were the supporters of the Articles of Confederation? Why did they support them? What groups opposed them and why?
19. What are the major