Current Problems:
The tension has developed between Davis and Green in part because of Green’s very public opposition to Davis’s next year’s projections of the 10% market growth, and in part because Green did not meet Davis’s expectations for the person who will be holding his previous position.
According to Davis, Green has failed. Both in 1:1 meetings with Green and in interactions with his boss Shannon McDonald his ‘surface’ story has remained the same. He says Green is doing a poor job of communicating; not keeping his boss updated of his travel plans and current location. He also complains that when Green is on the road he doesn’t check in with the office enough and fails to send Davis information he has requested in a timely manner. Moreover, Davis feels that Green’s strategies and way of working with clients needs to be more concrete; that Green needs to provide factual data and reports to his clients instead of just ideas. In addition, Davis refers to Green’s negative attitude (as expressed at the goal-setting meeting) indicated that Green lacked the enthusiasm needed for the job.
Deeper Problems & Underlying Causes for the Conflict:
1. Power Politics & Dynamics at Work: Davis’s public complaints do not reflect the full story. His perspective seems to be skewed by some common fallacies of thought that often plague business organizations. Davis has seen Thomas's objection in front of the other employees as challenging him. This may be a case of Schadenfreude where Davis, who
Cited: Hammill, Greg. (2012). Mixing and Managing Four Generations of Employees. Retrieved from Heffernan, Margaret. (2006). Managing Generational Differences in the Workplace. Retrieved from Management Mentors, Online Source. Retrieved from resources/corporate- mentoring-programs-faqs/#Q1 Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2012). Organizational behavior, tools for success. Mason, OH: South-Western Cenegage Learning. Sasser, W. Earl & Beckham, Heather. (2008). Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis. Boston MA: Harvard Business Publishing.