Jefferson’s view on slavery was hypocritical and contradicted to his ideals for a free nation. Jefferson viewed slavery as cruel and unusual punishment that needed to be abolished from America,but he owned slaves on his plantation in Monticello,Virginia. Jefferson was raised around slavery and witnessed the complex and abusive master/slave relationship that affected his decision on if he wanted to own a plantation or not (Doc.1).“The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions,the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submission …show more content…
Jefferson wasn't president he was writing a letter to Edward Coles, another plantation owner about blacks written in Doc.2.“...Their combination with the other color(white) produces a disgrace which no lover of this country, no lover of excellence in the human character can innocently approve of…” He clearly states here that he doesn't like interracial relationships and see’s it as horrible for everyone in the country. But during his presidency, He had an affair with Sally Hemings, a biracial slave; During a business trip to Paris and had six children with her. Even if he truly loved her and if that letter was written during a time when jefferson didn't know what he was thinking, it still shows how hypocritical jefferson is with