The documentary film directed by Tim Wardle is an eye-opening story that tells the story of Bobby, Eddy, and David, three identical triplets who were separated at birth and raised in different families. Their story really gets you thinking about the nature versus nurture debate and the ethical implications of scientific experimentation.
In the documentary, the triplets' reunion was the first thing that stuck with me. It's amazing that they split up at birth and were reunited nineteen years later. This makes me question destiny and fate and the remaining mysteries of the universe. Another thing was how similar their personalities were, even though they grew up in totally different households with different parenting styles. Like, it made me wonder if it was just because they had the same genes or if their environment didn't really matter that much. Also, the bond that the triplets formed despite being raised separately. …show more content…
nurture comes in. The perspective of nature argues that our genes and biology have a significant role in determining our characteristics. This is evident in the case of the triplets, who share the same genetic makeup but grew up in completely different environments. Despite this, they display striking similarities in their personalities and interests, suggesting that genetics may strongly influence certain traits. However, the nurture perspective emphasizes the impact of our upbringing and environment on our development. In the case of the triplets, their individual experiences growing up with different families had a profound effect on their identities. One brother, raised in a wealthy and loving home, thrives both personally and professionally. Meanwhile, another brother, from a troubled family background, battles with mental health