Standing Up, Helping Others and Taking Charge The novel, The Color Purple is so important. It is all about growth, and change, and making a difference. Sofia, Shug, and Celie are all making a difference in the world, even though they don’t know it. These courageous women are standing up for each other, taking control and trying to make the world a better place. Sofia stands up for herself, no matter what, Shug Avery helps out someone in desperate need, and Celie takes charge of her own life, even when it seems that there is no future for her. Even in the most pressing times, these women stood in the face of the enemy with bravery and gumption. The first message comes from Sofia. Sofia is not afraid to stand up to anyone, she has a fire that cannot be tamed. Sofia is independent, she enjoys having the upper hand and letting the world know who’s boss. Even when a White man stands up against her and hits her, Sofia takes charge and hits him right back. She is a woman of power and bravery, bravery that will carry her long distances in life. Sofia is one who will make changes in society, she will do great things in life. In a way, the reader can feel her fire, and gain …show more content…
inspiration from her desire to prove society wrong. Just as important, is the message that Shug Avery brings to the table, Shug shows the reader that life is about helping others.
Even when there is so much going on in our own lives we can take the time to care for others. In the beginning Shug couldn’t have cared less for Celie, but over time she realized that Celie was just an innocent woman, struggling to get through her own trails. Shug and Celie become great friends and in a way, Shug helps Celie to become her own person and to stand up for herself. Without Shug, Celie would’ve never escaped her husband’s evil grasp. Shug is one of the only people to show true affection to Celie, and it gives her the confidence she needs to become independent. Everyone could use a bit more of that sort of love, true
love. The final message that really stands out is show by Celie herself, Celie shows that even coming out of the most terrible of situations is possible. Celie was raped and beat her entire life, if she can make it through than so can others. This woman is the ultimate beacon of strength and perseverance. Every living, breathing human being will have a trail in their lives, no matter how rich or powerful they are. When that day comes they can either choose to face them head on and conquer them, or cower and be beat from it. Celie is a woman of courage. Despite all odds, Celie conquers a tremendous trial. Overall, The Color Purple is a story of women who change the world. Women who stand up for themselves and for their beliefs. The messages presented in this novel really did change the way the world saw things, which is exactly Alice Walker’s intention. She herself wants to make a difference in the world, just like her characters. Sofia, the fierce, Shug, the generous, and Celie the conqueror. All of these women have an impact in the novel. Indeed, even in the face of the largest storm, these women stand up for what they know, teaching the world a lesson.