To begin with, authoritarian parenting is a style where parents view themselves as having the final say so in everything (Berger, 2016). This type of parent believes that they are the ones in charge and because of that, everything has to be their way or the highway. This means that their child has to listen to them and …show more content…
if they do not then they can leave. An example of this type of parenting would be a teenager who lies to her parents, goes to parties and drinks alcohol. When the parent discovers this behavior they become angry and starts to yell. They would then give their child lectures about how disappointed they are in them, how they should know drinking alcohol and lying is not okay. They would also tell them that if they want to continue to live in their parent’s home then they have to follow the rules and not go to parties, drink alcohol, or lie. Authoritarian parents would then discipline their child by physically slapping them around or forcing them to drink alcohol to the point that on the next day, their child would have a major hang over. During this time, the parents would purposefully make loud noises as a punishment and teaching method. This type of parenting style can have some major effects on a child by causing them to be socially inclined and a chance of developing depression (Hoskins, 2014).
Researchers have also found that in Asian cultures, parents tend to use authoritarian parenting to set values and standards into their child. They believed that obedience is key to success and respect. In one finding, “Asian students demonstrate more effective academic achievement with parents who have attributes of authoritarian parenting as compared to the West and European countries where the majority of students’ academic achievement is the result of authoritative parenting” (Masud, Thurasamy & Ahmad, 2015). According to the Invitation to the Life Span:
Parenting of Chinese, Caribbean, or African heritage are often stricter than those of European background. To the surprise of many researchers, the children of some ethnic minority families seem more likely to thrive with strict parents than with easygoing ones (Berger, 2016).
With these finding it shows that parenting styles are different around the world and some tend to dominate over the others due to cultural values, standards, and beliefs.
The second type of parenting style is known as permissive parenting. This type of parenting is the opposite of authoritarian; instead these parents want to be friends with their children (Berger, 2016). They tend to let their children run over them sometimes in fear that their child would hate them or feel like theirs do not love them. An example of this would be a mother and her child who goes to Walmart to buy some food for the week. The child then tells their mom that they want to go to the toy section to buy a toy however the mother tells her child that they can’t get a toy that day but they can next time. In response to this, the child then throws a fit and starts screaming, kicking, and crying to go to the toy section. The mother then gives in to the child’s wants and takes them to the toy section. With this type of parenting it can lead their children to a lack of self-control, immaturity, and unhappiness (Berger, 2016). It could also result in low self-esteem levels and a lack in motivation to do things (Hoskins, 2014).
The third type of parenting style is known as authoritative parenting.
In this parenting style, they are considered to be the perfect standard for parenting. This is because they tend to set some boundaries while be flexible at the same. They also listen and forgive their child for their mistakes and help guide them in ways to fix it (Berger, 2016). An example of this would be a child pushing their friend down on the playground. The parent would response by talking to their child and asks them, why did they push their friend. The parent would also tell their child that violence is not the answer since someone could have been hurt and that they should treat their friends like how they want to be treated. In response to this the parent would ask their child to apologize to their friend. With this type of parenting style, children tend to have a greater chance of success and happiness. They are also very social, generous to another, and liked by their teachers and peers (Berger, …show more content…
The last type of parenting style is known as neglectful parenting which is self-explanatory.
This is the type of parent who wants little interaction with their child and could careless about what they do. An example of this would be a teenager who receives Ds and Fs in all her classes. The teachers and school would to talk to the parent about way they could help their child to improve in their classes however the parent would make no effort to do so afterwards. Instead the parent would let their child do whatever as long as they left them alone. For these parenting, they tend to effect child by lowering their self-esteem, self worth, and make them feel like no one loves or care about them (Hoskins, 2014). Some findings have also learned that child with neglectful parenting style tend to act out by vandalizing, becoming thieves, etc (Hoskins,
Overall, these parenting styles are very different in how they teach, care, and discipline their child. For around the world to cities, neighborhoods, etc; parenting styles can vary depending on how people were raised or by what they learned or developed. In conclusion, parenting is hard but it is a crucial part and influence to children’s success, social capability, and emotional control and value.