
Three Steps To Become A Dictator In The Book Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Three Steps To Become A Dictator In The Book Animal Farm By George Orwell
How to become a dictator in three simple steps!
Do you want to become a powerful dictator? Follow these three simple and easy steps to gain control of your colony. You need to control the food supply, create a common enemy, and increase the workload. The book Animal Farm written by George Orwell shows how to do this. In Animal Farm animals overthrow human control because they are being treated unfairly, until a sneaky pig named Napoleon decides to take advantage of the current situation and take control of the animals and gains great power. This goes to show that power will always corrupt unless kept in check.
The first step of taking control of your society is to control the food supply so civilians become dependent on you and if they are
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This will help you brainwash them and getting them to think that what they are doing is for their own good, but really it actually is just helping you because it will motivate them to do what you want. This will keep them from ever assuming that you are a problem they will always think, well you're better than another leader that could have been worse. Now here in the book Animal Farm the propaganda pig named Squealer is trying to tell the animals that their old leader Snowball was a traitor and is helping Mr. Jones in the following quote. “Snowball was in league with Jones from the very start! He was Jones's secret agent all the time. It has all been proved by documents which he left behind him and which we have only just discovered. To my mind this explains a great deal, comrades. Did we not see for ourselves how he attempted—fortunately without success—to get us defeated and destroyed at the Battle of the Cowshed?"”(34). Now squealer here is doing a fairly decent job with this statement here by using rhetorical questions and associating Snow Ball with Jones. So he is sort of killing two birds with one stone here. He is making Snow Ball the enemy by associating him with Jones the enemy that already

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