For the custom messenger bags, I think the key competitive dimensions are producing high-quality custom and classic messenger bags direct to customer order. First of all, in most situation, consumers always just can buy the products that have already been produced, they don’t have the opportunities to select their own individual goods. But the Timbuk2 gives them a imagine space to design bags, even though they only can selects the basic bag configuration and size, colors, logos, straps, Timebuk2 has maximum let consumers involved in the producing of their specific bags. In my opinion, it is really cool that I can design my bag, and I can think of I will not worry about someone who has a same bag with yours one day. Second, in some markets, a firm’s ability to deliver more quickly than its competitors is critical. Buying a Timbuk2 bag online, after a quick click of the mouse, the bag will be delivered directly to the customer in only just two days, Timbuk2’s two day’s of delivery time in the United States is very competitive than its competitors.
In my opinion, messenger bag’s competitive priorities are different from the new laptop sourced in China. messenger bag is produced in San Francisco, but new laptop bag is produced in China because of high labor costs in San Francisco. Different production place make their competitive priorities different. New laptop bag produced in China will be cheaper than produced in San Francisco, but the quality maybe not good. And when you see Timbuk2 ,you will absolutely think of San Francisco, but if this bag produced in China, I think more people will not interested in this brand as before just because they change their production place.
2.Compare the assembly line in China to that