No, I won’t purchase custom tailored apparel on the web because it is not the way i shop for cloth. If I buy the custom tailored apparel on the website, and it turn out any of the reason I don't like it, then I have to ship it back, and that takes lot of time and money. In the case study, there have electronic or cars that get customize, and I think these are not the same thing compare to the cloth because these things are focus on the feature, and you have to feel how comfortable when you wear the cloth on.
2. Does Lands� End custom tailoring program provide Lands� End with a competitive advantage? Is any advantage created significant?
Yes, the custom tailoring program did provide with a competitive advantage that “40% of Lands’ End customers buying chinos and jeans from the firm’s web site were buying tailored products. Over 20% of these customers never made a purchase over the web before.” It means more and more people are more likely to look for the custom tailoring program recently. It did have competitive advantage because it’s innovate the program early that the service other companies didn't have. The advantage is the cost, and the size of the cloth is more suitable. The quote shows the proof ”While expensive at $69 each, they fit better and were far less expensive than he would pay at the high-end big and tall men’s store where he normally shopped in Houston.”
3. Assume that, based on undisclosed internal information, that Lands� End custom tailoring program is believed by management to have created a competitive advantage is this advantage sustainable with respect to the threat of imitation?
I think when the custom tailoring program start to grow in the market, there will be more competitors that look similar. I think the best way to keep competitive is to have,”proprietary products, a strong distribution infrastructure, and an established brand.” By having