Mobile Phones were first created in 3rd April 1973 by a man named Martin Cooper, it is now 2013, and approximately 1 billion phones are being made and sold per year. Because of this, the demand for minerals to create mobile phones, is becoming more than ever. One of the main minerals used in creating mobile phones, is tin. Tin is generally used as the basic outside structure of a mobile phone. This essay will conduct of several topics, such as location of minerals, the techniques used to extract the mineral from the ore, what tin is actually used for in mobile phones, and ways how mining companies, can stop from damaging the environment.
Location of Minerals
The mineral known as tin, is actually quite commonly found, but when found it is usually found in an extremely low amount. Tin is prominently found in sophisticated areas such as the ore cassiterite. It is also found in different countries such as Malaysia, Bolivia, Indonesia, Thailand and in Nigeria. It is also mined in a specific mine in Jimbilly, which is located in Western Australia. Ordinary tin is a silvery-white metal, it is malleable, somewhat ductile, and has a highly crystalline structure that is found with other minerals such as Cylindirate. The reasoning for why it is found with this mineral is because they share similar both physical and chemical properties.
The process of extracting tin from its ore is quite a time consuming, and difficult process, and it varies according the source of the ore deposit and the amount of impurities found in the ore. The tin deposits in Bolivia and England are located deep underground and require the use of tunnels to reach the ore. The ore which is deposited weights between 0.7-0.10% in weight. The ore may also be deposited in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand are located in the gravel along streambeds and require the use of dredges or pumps to reach the ore. This ore contains at minimum 0.15% in weight. No matter