In the Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell he explains that “the Tipping Point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” In his book he explains what a tipping point is, how something comes to a Tipping Point, what happens when that something hits its Tipping Point, and the different people that play an important role to create a Tipping Point. On pages 20 and 21 of the book, Gladwell tells of two different men that have different life styles but both like to get sexually involved with many women, Because they were so sexually involved with several womens they spread STD;s to a good amount of the women they were involved with. Gladwell said, “These are the kinds of people who make epidemics of disease tip.” At one point in the book Gladwelll explains an interesting way what a “word-of-mouth” epidemic is. He gives the historical background story of Paul Revere and his midnight ride to Lexington to tell the people that the British were coming. Gladwell said, “Paul Revere’s ride is perhaps the most famous historical example of a word-of-mouth epidemic. A piece of extraordinary news traveled a long distance in a very short time, mobilizing an entire region to arms.” Paul Revere was able to reach out and get the message out to a great deal of people because he was what Gladwell calls a Connector. A Connector is someone who knows a lot of other people. They go out of their way to meet other people and are usually involved in various things where they get to know a lot of people. Gladwell achieves his purpose of explaining what a Connector is giving character traits of Connectors and telling about different people in this world that are Connectors and what they do in their life to make them a Connector.
Entry Two
The Stickness Factor is when something you watch, read, hear, or see “sticks” to you and you remember it. Seasame Street is a good example of the Stickness Factor that Gladwell