In case, you want to know which learning style suits you, take this simple quiz: Learning Style Quiz
Oh yes, let's get back to my main aim for this entry which is to share tips that I found at WikiHow and'How to Study' in my way:
1. For me, the front row's the best! You get to see the lecturer's/ teacher's face directly, see the slides clearly and hear those golden words right from their mouth the first. Oh yea, you get to ask questions easily too, in case you are too shy to be heard by all of your classmates, the front row's the best place for you to seat in. It will also allows you to pick up facial expressions and body language that provide cues that what your teacher is saying is important to write in your notes.Not forgetting the fact that when you are TOO SLEEPY but you just need to listen, opt for the front rows okay.
I want to share this funny imagination that I hold on too: When you seat at the back, the information given by those people at the front may be absorbed first by those in front and you'll be left with bits and pieces. Haha. That's why I opt seating in the first or second row in class ;)
2. my style of mind mapping. I prefer having some sentences with some pictures.
3. When highlighting notes, do not just highlight all the main points with a single colour. Multiple colours for multiple purposes are best! For instance, I use pink for the topic, yellow for main ideas and green for examples. As simple as that! Nowadays, sticky notes are also available besides highlighter pens.
4.I easily get distracted either by sounds, people and even moving things. To study, I need to study alone, free from distractions. Sometimes, you'll see me sitting alone at a place. I remembered those time while studying for SPM, I studied at DS Puteri heading towards the greenery. But yes, there were my friends there too. In case we need to discuss questions or share informations :) Now, I opt for the musolla to