The purpose of the Competency Demonstration Report is to demonstrate to Engineers Australia that you apply your Engineering skills and abilities in your daily work. There is a list of “units and elements of competency” given in the “Migration skills assessment” booklet on pages 29-32 for the professional engineers, pages 34-37 for the engineering technologist and pages 39-41 for the engineering associate. It is important to understand that Career Episodes are not just your work description. Career Episodes must include all the “units and elements” in them.
What is CDR about?
Competency Demonstration Report is about your own professional experience, your daily engineering tasks and duties, your responsibilities. The report should describe your own rule in a specific project/work. One of the most important things in the CDR is to write using “I language”. Even if you describe a project were you worked as a part of a team, you should refer to your own role and use sentences such as “I and my team”, “I as part of the team”.
You can give a brief description of your company and the project in the first paragraph of the “background” part, but no more than one or maximum two paragraphs. Remember that the CDR is not about what your company do or what your team do. As well, do not provide too many technical details about your work/project, CDR is not about this. If your Career Episode contains about 3000 words, maybe you’ve included too much unnecessary technical details. When you write a paragraph in the Episode, think to what competency element you will refer it to. If you can’t refer a paragraph to specific element, consider removing it.
Style and language
Use active language. You can make use of the following words in your Episodes: • I developed solution • I checked and analysed • I reviewed the background data • I closely collaborated • I carried out all the necessary calculations • I took part in the negotiations