An important quality of a good parent is showing love to their children because they need it. Good parents also listen to them. It is important for a parent to listen to their children because maybe they want to talk with them and let them know how they feel. That is good because some parents are too busy with their work, although they want to work hard to make their kids happy and give them all the necessary needs. Some children prefer to talk with their friends about a serious topic they shouldn’t or they just keep it inside and maybe take a wrong decision to pass through it, which is the lack of communication they have with their parents. Another good quality of some parents is that they love their children as who they are and they sacrifice themselves so they can have a better and comfortable life.
In conclusion all those qualities are that who make and resembles a good parent. The most important is to show love, listen what they have to say and provide them with necessary things because that’s how a parent can make a good future for their children.