Regulations for school sports based on gender were extremely limited in America until Title IX became a practiced law. It was a component of Federal Legislation that recognized that women have the right to participate in sports activities equally to their male peers. Women were …show more content…
For instance, the case study Darrin v. Gould involved two young high school females who were adequate players on the school football team, but were rejected due to WIAA regulations stating that only men could qualify to play. This was later found as discrimination against the girls because violated the fourteenth amendment of the constitution (Darrin v. Gould, 1975). Similarly, in the case Force by Force v. Pierce City R-VI School District, a thirteen-year-old female student desired to compete on the eighth-grade football team. It was disputed, but the court ruled against discrimination based on gender (Force by Force v. Pierce City R-VI School District, 1983). To this day, there are mainly only boys football teams present in school sporting activities. That has not stopped girls from trying to make the