Title IX is an important legislation because it helps increase women's access to higher education, protect against sexual harassment, and helped increase the number of female athletics
Title IX is an important piece of legislation that was formed on June 23rd, 1972
Title IX states that gender equality is required for both males and females in every educational program that receives federal funding HISTORY OVERVIEW
Most of the people who know about Title IX think that it only applies to sports
Athletics is only one of the 10 key areas that are addressed by the law
Access to higher education
Career education for pregnant and parenting students Employment
Learning environment
Sexual harassment
Math and science
Standardized testing and technology HISTORY OVERVIEW
Since Title IX was passed
35 years ago, it has been the topic of of over 20 proposed amendments, reviews, Supreme Court cases and other political actions ACCESS TO HIGHER
Before Title IX
People thought that women were more concerned and involved in getting married, and having children rather than continuing their education
Until the early 70's, many colleges and universities were reluctant to admit women into their student body ACCESS TO HIGHER
After Title IX
The unfairness in admissions of higher education for females that was prominent before the early 70’s is less common today Women now receive undergraduate and graduate degrees at a significantly higher rate than before the adoption of the Title IX's statutes
Why Title IX is still critical today
Women continue to lag behind men when receiving degrees in certain fields such as the math and science disciplines
1 out of 5 women achieve the doctorate degrees in computer sciences and engineering and physics
Every school district is required to have a Title IX coordinator
Before Title IX
Sexual harassment used to be dismissed as a