Subsequently, as Title X was enacted in 1970, the program has served as the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventative health services.
Sanger Birth Control League strongly advocates against H. J. Res. 43, sponsored by Representative Diane Black (R-TN-6) and urges members of Congress, SBCL Patients, and the community to stand up against the discriminatory bill. "Defunding" Title X would impede readily available access to reproductive healthcare for a targeted entity desiring these services. …show more content…
You, a voting constituent, are TITLE X.
• Without Title X you are not represented and essentially left behind.
• Without Title X you are denied of the proper access to reproductive health care
• The future of readily access to family planning health care desperately depends on your elective representative.
Elected representatives need to be reminded that cutting funds will essentially shut down reproductive health centers and deny access to the most vulnerable in our communities. Consequently, deny access to already-struggling women, lower income families, teenagers and culturally diverse communities.
We will not accept the passage of a bill that roots from a long-time discrimination against the right to safe and affordable reproductive healthcare.
Time is VERY Limited:
• Act NOW.
• Practice your message out loud.
• Use SBCL website to text or call your representative.
• Write down a script or use one provided on the SBCL website.
• Tell your friends- Word of mouth is powerful, share your message and encourage your immediate circle and social network to join you in