In the short story "To Build a Fire," by Jack London, a newcomer crosses the treacherous Alaskan Yukon during the time of the gold rush, in a search to seek great fortune. Unfortunately, his failure to heed to the experienced old timer, as well his lack of knowledge resulted in him being unaware of the danger that faced him from within his surroundings. Thus, the theme of survival is conveyed through setting, sensory detail and characterization.
Fifty degree below weather in the frozen, harsh Alaskan wilderness demonstrates the desperate fight and struggle for survival. The extreme conditions the newcomer faced was no place to venture without the experience and knowledge of the Yukon's harsh environment. Yet the man was …show more content…
The man now knew that the old timer at Sulphur Creek was right. He was desperate now. The gold miner had put himself in this situation. He was oblivious to the absence of the sun. The fact there was no sun, did not concern the man at all. He had been deceived by the pure white snow "rolling in gentle undulations". Although the man was forewarned, he was naïve to the danger the Alaskan Yukon held. The man is now becoming panicked, as the realization sets in that he is freezing to death. At the brink of desperation, the man feels the need to cut open his dog for the warmth the carcass would give him. "The sight of the dog put a wild idea into his head He would kill the dog and bury his hands in the warm body until the numbness went out of them" (425). The fact that these thoughts are running through his mind means he must believe this is the only act that will save him. Unfortunately, instead of realizing the animal could have saved him by leading him to shelter, he's obliviously attacking it trying to take its live. The man is so desperate now he is ready to kill his own just for his life. It shows the extent he was willing to go to for the fight to stay alive. He would rather kill his companion then anticipate his own demise. His lack of imagination prevents him from reading the clues that would have kept him alive from the nature around him, which would perhaps lead to his