August 2010
‘To compare private-label brands and manufacturer brands for overall effectiveness for retailers’
Heading Page 1) Introduction 3
2) Literature Review 4
3) Main body 7
4) Conclusion 16
5) Bibliography 17
1.0) Introduction
Over the last fifteen years, there has been much debate regarding different effectiveness of private-label brands and manufacturer brands. More and more companies all over the world are willing to devote finances to building strong brands. However, can brand power truly lead a retailer to success?
1.1) Aim of the research
The aim of this research is to analyze manufacturer and private-label brands, comparing their benefits and drawbacks to identify the overall effectiveness which lead to retailer success in the market. Since the priorities of private-label products have been increasing during the last 10 years, the retailers have often experienced how difficult it is to balance the overall benefits between manufacturer brands and private-labels products in their stores. It is general thesis that private-labels and manufacturer brands have both advantages and disadvantages. This paper concentrates around this area and is illustrated and explained with different case studies with different examples to identify overall effectiveness for retailers.
This paper is limited to the retailers perspective and is covered through a literature review in particular about the reasons for retailers to get involved in private-labels and manufacturer brands which illustrated by examples and case studies
1.3) Background
Nowadays, some effective retailers have also developed their own private brands which are now in UK and many countries
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