
To Kill A Mockingbird Monologue Analysis

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To Kill A Mockingbird Monologue Analysis
Please provide an sample role-play featuring this ability.

I don’t want to prewrite the initial scene about the hatching since I think it’ll be fun, so I’ll share a couple of briefer vignettes across the years. I’m not actually sure if the sample-rp section fits pet apps that well, but hey, why not.

Scene 1: Set late third-year, or perhaps fourth year.

Medraut glowered at the small blackbird perched jauntily atop his laptop, beak opening and closing expectantly. “I fed you half an hour ago, you incessant glutton.” The bird cocked its head with a curiously musical little trill that would have been beautiful had it not ended in a slightly hoarse croak not too dissimilar to a raven’s caw, and jumped off Medraut’s laptop. The boy sighed with exasperated relief, only for the charred avian to then hop onto Medraut’s head, digging in its talons and trilling again, and this time the former Ravenclaw was certain that he could detect a hint of smugness in the bird’s call. Not for the first time, he wondered if the abortive hatching had actually just transformed it into a different creature entirely, a decidedly useless one. I should have kept it isolated from Oneiros. One megalomaniacal avian bane of my existence was far more than
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He was being bitter and childish, he knew it, in a way that he hadn’t been in years, but the awareness of that failing in him did little to rectify it. He knew he was every bit as powerful as Valentine, perhaps even a shade more skilful-certainly more daring where it really mattered, less willing to fetter himself by failing to consider magic and its potential in its entirety. Yet here they were, and here he was utterly unable to cast a spell that others were already taking to with ease. He had happy memories, struggled more to find miserable memories in fact, and yet the spell utterly eluded him, both when exposed to a Dementor directly and even when simply attempting to practise it in peaceful

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