Category: Health
Tags: sick passengers, germ transmission, avoiding illness, contracting disease
Teaser: Scientists have discovered which airplane seat can make you the sickest — window, aisle or middle. One seat is the clear winner.
For many weary travelers, coming down with a cold after a long flight is par for the course. That’s because airplanes are the perfect environment for spreading viral infections. In fact, with over three billion passengers flying each year, studies suggest that infectious disease spreading on flights is quickly becoming a global health concern. But, fear not. There is a common route for germ transmission according to research. So, staying in the know before …show more content…
The obvious answer is hundreds of people coughing, sneezing and breathing, while crammed together in a pressurized metal tube. That said, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) claims that the overall risk of contracting a disease from someone who is ill on a plane is just as likely to happen on a bus, subway or movie theatre — basically anywhere where a person is in close contact with others. But, they go on further to suggest that the risk on airplanes is probably lower than in many confined spaces because modern airplanes have cabin air filtration systems equipped with HEPA filters. In-cabin HEPA filters can get rid of 99.9995 percent of germs and microbes in the air. Plus, cabin air is only half recirculated air. Therefore, the other half is fresh air pumped in from the …show more content…
flights (eight taking place during influenza season). By observing the position and movement of passengers they came up with a "map" of germ transmission. Researchers monitored the movements of passengers and cabin crew, noting which people were likely to be most active and how individuals were positioned relative to an ill passenger on board. Over 200 air and surface samples were taken on all the flights. The most common behaviors for passengers were waiting for, using or exiting a bathroom. Interestingly, the wait for the front bathroom was nearly twice as long as for the back