About 50 percent of incoming college freshmen have admitted to using marijuana. And about 40 percent of them smoke it on a regular basis. The question is why is marijuana illegal and tobacco legal? Marijuana has been known as a “gateway drug”, meaning it leads to use of other harder drugs. This is not true. It truly depends on the person whether they are going to do otherdrugs. People who smoke marijuana do not have a higher chance of getting addicted or even trying cocaine or heroin than non-users. Many negative facts have been told of marijuana, mostly by the tobacco industry, which are false. Why is the tobacco industry so concerned with marijuana and its negative effects? It is because …show more content…
Not only is this a lie but also users of marijuana have lower rates of producing lung cancer then non-users. “Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully linked to marijuana use” (Erowid). In 1975 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia found that cannabis can help fight against benign and malignant cancers. This proves that marijuana does not cause cancer, but it could prevent or even cure it. What about tobacco though? Tobacco does cause lung cancer. Tobacco leaves tar in the lungs that are radioactive. These radioactive materials morph over time into very harmful materials that causes cancer to be produced
Cannabis is the number one used illegal drugs. If it is not addictive then why do people who try it come back? This is because it is safer than all the other drugs. Cannabis has been used all over the world for many reasons. The Indians smoked it at ceremonies to relax and have a good time. Where legal, doctors prescribe it to their patients for a number of different reasons. Some famous artists and musicians use marijuana on a regular basis to enhance their creativity. Others just use it because they like to relax and have fun.
Nothing is wrong with smoking marijuana for any reason at all, but using tobacco is just suicide. What you have been told in the past may contradict the facts about marijuana. Smoking tobacco makes no sense and needs to be stopped. So do not just stand there in the tobacco smoke filled room and get out and smoke some