
Tobe Monologue

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Tobe Monologue
I've always liked the wind through my hair. It makes me feel similar to a bird flying in the air. Tobe, my Gerberian Shepsky has her head out the passenger's window. Her fur is blowing backwards and her tongue is out. Thick fog swirls over the ocean on my side. Not a mile ahead is a beautiful beach secluded from the rest of town. I take Tobe down and we usually play for most of the day. Her excited barks fill the car as our stop comes into sight. We have explored so much of this town and the town over. Turning off the engine to my rustic truck.

The moment I open my door Tobe uses my lap as a launching lad. This isn't a race. Rummaging in the back seat I fish out Tobe's favorite ball. Tossing it towards the lapping water in the distance. She
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So did Tobe."

Tobe and I are very close friends. We became friends in the seventh grade and didn't really become close until eighth. Ever since we were young I knew we'd become lifelong friends. All three of us spend the day playing and catching up.

It's moments like these I wish could last. What I love about life the most is it's habit for spontaneity. That's something I picked up myself, acting on a whim. I found this beach on a whim. A smile slowly breaks out. I found Tobe and adopted her on a whim. Dangling my arm around her shoulder I give a half hug.

Chloe looks over smiling, "You and Tobe are two of a kind."

Turning my gaze back to the evening sun. These are the moments in life that are irreplaceable. We stay until the stars light up the sky.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

Chloe replies, "My mom and me were driving back from the airport. I saw you and told her to pull over... She thinks we're... dating. I tried to tell her we're not... She doesn't believe me."

I can feel a blush creeping on my face. Tobe's sudden sharp bark startles me. Talk about good timing Tobe. Tobe's growl is cut off as something rams into my truck from behind. I momentarily lose control of my truck. Chloe yelps, "The the
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The car behind us only has to chase us a short distance before I lose control and swerve off the road onto the side. The truck smashes into a jersey barrier flipping over. My head slams into the dashboard knocking me unconscious.


Tobe's barks turn to whimpers. Slowly everything comes back to me. Someone strong is dragging my limp body. I attempt to break their grip only to receive a rough kick. The man who kicked me looks around my dad's age with graying hair. My heart speeds up as I realize he's holding a gun in a gloved hand. Chloe isn't far being held down by another man. My eyes frantically search for Tobe not finding her.

"What the fuc...? Where's Tobe? What's going on?"

The man's eyes narrow as he glares down at me. The coldness in his eyes disturbs me. I can feel the hatred radiating off of him. Is he going to kill us? Are we going to die? Chloe is quiet. I think that man over her knock her out. Did they kill Tobe? Tears threaten to spill over at the thought. I bite down hard on my lower lip. The man turns and walks towards Chloe. Pointing his gun directly at her forehead he looks into my eyes.

"Confess your sins or she dies."

What the fuck does that mean? Confess what? I hear the safety click off which accelerates my heart beat. What do I do?

"I don't understand! Don't kill

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