In aristocracies, an individual represented more than just himself. As shown with Richard’s deposition, a change in a man’s reputation and status also affected the reputation and status of his children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Therefore, each individual had a purpose that existed outside of his life’s length, and his actions held consequences for people other than just him. As the aristocratic family disappeared in democratic centuries, a man began to represent only himself, and the equality of conditions left his life with little obvious or practical purpose outside of his lifetime. His family name imposed no duties upon him, separating him from his great-grandchildren. Therefore, an individual may lose a sense of purpose upon failure that is difficult to fight back against, because he does not imagine or care for his descendants or feel responsible for his family’s reputation. However, through voluntary association in groups like Narcotics Anonymous, many individuals become sponsors for other, newer members. Through such a program, a person becomes responsible for someone other than himself and his impact can extend beyond his own lifetime to affect other
In aristocracies, an individual represented more than just himself. As shown with Richard’s deposition, a change in a man’s reputation and status also affected the reputation and status of his children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Therefore, each individual had a purpose that existed outside of his life’s length, and his actions held consequences for people other than just him. As the aristocratic family disappeared in democratic centuries, a man began to represent only himself, and the equality of conditions left his life with little obvious or practical purpose outside of his lifetime. His family name imposed no duties upon him, separating him from his great-grandchildren. Therefore, an individual may lose a sense of purpose upon failure that is difficult to fight back against, because he does not imagine or care for his descendants or feel responsible for his family’s reputation. However, through voluntary association in groups like Narcotics Anonymous, many individuals become sponsors for other, newer members. Through such a program, a person becomes responsible for someone other than himself and his impact can extend beyond his own lifetime to affect other