Every country has a political culture, widely shared beliefs, values, and norms that define the relationship between citizens and its government, and citizens to one another. Alexis de Tocqueville, an early observer of the American political culture, provided some insight during the 1830’s in regards to the relationship between American citizens and its democratic government. Tocqueville believed that equality was what made America great and why its democratic system worked so well. Today equality is still the basis for the American way of life and with the help of media outlets, the internet and social media American involvement has seen an increase compared to that of the 1830’s. …show more content…
He wanted to understand America’s success with democracy and why France was struggling to maintain it. Tocqueville identified several factors that influenced America's success such as the abundance of and fertile land, the countless opportunities for individuals to acquire land and make a living, lack of a feudal aristocracy that blocked the ambitious, and the independent spirit encouraged by frontier living. He saw democracy as an equation that balanced liberty and equality and was an ardent supporter of liberty. Today many of those same factors still exist. Americans still have the opportunity to acquire land, the job market opportunities are increasing as well as. There are other positive influences, like high education made affordable with the help of government programs like financial aid. All of these influences affected political culture in the 1830s and still do