Getting accepted into a university is a main goal for each and every one of any students, especially international students. But what does it take to be accepted into a university? Students try hard to earn themselves a place in university. But before they do, they have to meet all the requirements one university asked for, especially having a passed TOEFL score. However, does TOEFL score really affect their chance of getting into a university? A passing TOEFL score should be a main requirement for international students to enter a university for three reasons. A passing TOEFL score measures the international students’ abilities. Its score will indicate how qualified students are in the four-macro skills, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. TOEFL score will reveal how much a student can understand about English. It can also reflect students’ performance in their study. The university can clarify how students perform in study through TOEFL score. By having a TOEFL score, students are able to catch up with other students in the same level. And by putting similar TOEFL score students together, they are capable of doing research in-group or on their own, and they will perform better in the same level classes. A passing TOEFL score helps university to choose qualified students they need. International students will need to communicate with foreigners so they need to understand well about English in order to interact with other international students. If they couldn’t be able to communicate well with other people using English, they wouldn’t be able to catch up with the study in the university so they need the four-macro skill in order to attend the class. The qualified students can go directly to the course without having to go through the preparatory course in advance. They can live alone independently and deal with some problems easily without
Getting accepted into a university is a main goal for each and every one of any students, especially international students. But what does it take to be accepted into a university? Students try hard to earn themselves a place in university. But before they do, they have to meet all the requirements one university asked for, especially having a passed TOEFL score. However, does TOEFL score really affect their chance of getting into a university? A passing TOEFL score should be a main requirement for international students to enter a university for three reasons. A passing TOEFL score measures the international students’ abilities. Its score will indicate how qualified students are in the four-macro skills, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. TOEFL score will reveal how much a student can understand about English. It can also reflect students’ performance in their study. The university can clarify how students perform in study through TOEFL score. By having a TOEFL score, students are able to catch up with other students in the same level. And by putting similar TOEFL score students together, they are capable of doing research in-group or on their own, and they will perform better in the same level classes. A passing TOEFL score helps university to choose qualified students they need. International students will need to communicate with foreigners so they need to understand well about English in order to interact with other international students. If they couldn’t be able to communicate well with other people using English, they wouldn’t be able to catch up with the study in the university so they need the four-macro skill in order to attend the class. The qualified students can go directly to the course without having to go through the preparatory course in advance. They can live alone independently and deal with some problems easily without