Advertising Election Campaigns Affects Voters
Tolib Kayumov Seda Vurgun Izmir University
Author Note This essay was prepared for ENG 104 Academic Reading and Writing Skills II, Section B, taught by Instructor SedaTürkyılmazVurgun
Election Campaigns Election propaganda is an integral part of the democratic process. 21 century is a century of information technology. Mass media became so widespread around the world. They are TV, news papers, internet and etc. People use this communication technology in advertisement, such as a company advertisement its product to public and it work effectively. Politicians use election advertisement in pre-election campaigns. Their aim is firstly to introduce themselves to electors, secondly to change the electors voting preferences. Election advertising election campaigns affects voters.(p 3 1991) In new democracy have same interactions between campaign resources, camping style and camping impact. An authoritarian legacy creates for use the campaigners, in Hungarian elections showed much similarity in relevant aspects of this opportunity structure in 1994 and 1998. Partisans can use public television in many post- authoritarian democracies country and there is often monopolistic control of television broadcasts. New democracies are small-big countries or middle-low income countries hence government controlled electronic media may be the mass media many citizens are exposed to.(2002,p58) The 2009 election European Parliament spending just over €18,000 on campaigning who had a chance to winning. The difference in expenditure between winners and losers it was €60,693, while it was only €14,337 for unsuccessful candidates. There is a strong positive correlation between spending and winning, when campaign spending a lot of money probabilities of winning a seat. Some of the largest countries, such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain, use closed list electoral systems. The only way that closed list candidates can influence their chance of winning, by improving and help people. (Laura Sudulich|4 Comments)
The rest of the chapter covers three elements of campaigning: fundraising, polling, and mobilizing of voter support through endorsements, advertising, and public appearances. Election campaigns in Texas become in campaign technology, national politics and upward pressure on campaign budgets. Technological advances have changed the face, old-fashioned campaigning have a major role. Campaigns can to take attention to their candidates and candidate stand in front of crowds and give speeches. . (3rd Edition - Revision 102)
In negative ways campaigns to trick people like small baby for themselves to increased a budgets and take a power. Positive ways some campaign help people and use campaign budget for people lived comfortable.
Election votes are important for every citizen and chose correct party because this party will control our country. In democracy country election advertising election campaigns affects voters.
Reference Laura Sudulich (January 6th, 2014) 2014 European Parliament elections, Elections, party politics and government across Europe, european-parliament-elections, Retrieved April 06, 2014, from
Jean Crete (1991) –Television Advertising and Canadian Elections Retrieved April 06, 2014, from David M. Farrell - Editor, Rudiger Schmitt-Beck - Editor. Publisher: Routledge. Place of publication: London. Publication year: 2002. Page number: 58 Retrieved April 06, 2014, from
Tjutg Simzb (n.d) Retrieved April 06, 2014, from