The novel ‘The Story of Tom Brennan’ written by J.C Burke and the film ‘Precious’ directed by Lee Daniels are two texts which revolve around the notion that an individual will experience pain when transitioning into the world, but when the transition is over they are meet with equal amounts of pleasure. The attitudes of individuals are important to the way the persona cope with venturing into the world. In TSOTB tom originally has a sour attitude towards his new environment but soon finds it easier to accept his new scenario and to work with it with a positive attitude. …show more content…
This is also apparent in Precious as she at first has a negative attitude towards most things in life due to her home situation and school but once she transitions into the world she gains a more positive attitude. The actions of individuals can create positive change and enable the person to push through various boundaries which may lead to new opportunities. Both texts show this through the personas going through difficult times and when they begin to act on their situations opportunities start to fall in front of them.
Toms negative attitude towards his new environment prevent him from successfully moving ‘into the world’.
J.C Burke reveals Toms negative attitude towards Daniels actions that ‘ruined’ his life through the use of the motif of darkness and blackness. Tom refers to being “sucked deeper into that long black tunnel” and his “black moods”. In attempt to escape his past Tom begins to lose his passion for football as he is unable to play with his big brother anymore. When he is selected for the St Bennies team he states “I don’t want to play, this isn’t my life anymore”. Toms negative attitude towards his situation result in his unsuccessful transition into his new …show more content…
Throughout the beginning of the film we are shown the repercussions of Precious’ mothers abuse of Precious which is reflected in her negative attitude towards life. Lee Daniel reveals the abuse of Precious to the audience using dark, hazy scenes and in attempt to escape the abuse, Precious wanders off into an ‘alternate’ reality. When Precious is challenged/questioned about her home life she becomes hostile and agitated. This is brought to attention when the principal of her school wishes to assist Precious with struggles but in doing agitates Precious and she pushes her principal away, thus blocking her chance of moving ‘into the world’.
Tom gradually begins to come to terms with his new living arrangements and to make the most of what is in front of him.
The use of the motif of mountains and hills show Tom’s progression in a more positive frame of mind. He begins running with his uncle Brendan and progressively begins to complete the hills with more ease every time, showing his progression of moving ‘into the world’. He also begins to enjoy playing football again even if Daniel isn’t of the team. Throughout the duration of the novel Tom speaks of “finding Tom Brennan” as he was ‘lost’ after the accident, after these positive actions have been set he finally concludes to having “found Tomb Brennan”. Tom acted on his situation with positivity and was rewarded with positive outcomes and
After Precious is forced to move schools she starts to become more assertive and has a more positive attitude. Through the encouragement of her teacher to write everything down, it assists Precious to understand the severity of her situation. This shows Precious ‘breaking out’ of her home and moving on with her own life. Precious when provided with opportunities took them and acted on her situation, this enabled to her to begin her successful transition into the world and with the bonus of positive outcomes.
When transitioning into the world individuals are faced with both pleasure and pain, although there may be barriers preventing them from moving through the pain (negativity) into the pleasure (positivity). Through positive attitudes they prevailed and were rewarded with positive outcomes.