Qin set many standards and uniformities. Under his rule standardized writing and measurement systems were developed, as well as nuances like a uniform wagon axle size. All of these helped the progress of China and made many aspects of life easier. Qin’s greatest accomplishment, however, is credited as the …show more content…
The projects cost a lot, so taxes were put on the people of China. It took fifteen years for rebellion to start, and in those fifteen years is proof of an absolute ruler. Qin is said to have scorned scholars and burned classical texts. The though process was pushed to be like Han Feizi’s point of view, where humans are inherently evil and it is up to the state to push the individual into fearful good. If that, along with the state pushing for this thought process, is not propaganda for absolute control, then what could be?
Qin Shihuangdi’s Tomb is an enormous project of grandeur that shows both the prosperity of the newly unified China, as well as its roots in an absolute