This project titled ‘
Image Profile Analysis of Leading Brands of Tooth paste amongst consumers ‘is a study which seek to define the image of tooth paste brands in terms of 6 attributes , Healthy tooth & gums , Long lasting freshness ,Prevention of tooth decay ,Whiteness , Use of Natural herbs , Good foaming
A survey was conducted on 50 people living in and around the city to elicit their responses, on which the results and findings of this study are based. It tells the method used for data collected. It then gives the description of the sample based on various parameters as Gender, Age. Status.
1) To know about Brand awareness
2) To know about Brand preference.
3) To know about the product/alternatives which consumers might prefer to brush their teeth other than a tooth paste.
4) To know about the factors that influence the consumers decision to buy a particular brand of tooth paste.
5) To know about the attributes that consumers look for in a tooth paste brand , when he/she buys for himself/herself.
6) To know about the possible reasons that lead to brand switch over.
7) Image profile analysis of important tooth paste brands.
SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: To find out what are the preferences of people in buying a toothpaste and what are he method used by the company to keep the brand sustain in the market.
Brand positioning:
Positioning a brand in the consumer's mind is critical to brand success. In an age sameness, a brand must tout a variety of product or brand features and benefits, by drawing attention to them and promoting their value to the consumer.
Brand image:
Brand image describes a products personality beyond its physical characteristics and positioning in building brand image. Like brand personality,
Brand image is not something you have or you don't! A brand is unlikely to have