The first writers on Earth were not actually writing – they were drawing pictures of the daily life. That was long before the actual writing started. Those days one did not have to be creative to “write” – a piece of chalk and a cave wall was more than enough. Luckily, we have evolved, and despite they write, the present Homo sapiens also try to deliver a unique, one-of-a-kind written message to the world. Believe it or not, creativity is very hard to achieve, and now you will find out why and what do with it.
It seems like all the imaginable and unimaginable issues have been already discussed, described and published. So contributing a breath of fresh air to the endless stream of mass media looks impossible. Not only professional writers and journalists face the problem with being creative and original, but the students as well. Writing an essay, a term paper or a research paper can sometimes be compared to childbirth – with sweat and blood, a painful process that drives you crazy. That is why more and more students avoid all these troubles and turn to professional writing services for help. It is a great idea, though it will never make one original. Don’t be desperate – there are a few ways to keep your creativeness up.
First of all – cheer up, buddy! It’s a simple psychological factor – the more negative thoughts you have in your head, the less creative and productive you are. Just smile, take your laptop/sheet of paper/notebook and start writing. Some instructors are likely to give you a topic. It makes your task much easier, as at least you know what to write about. But if you picked up a creative writing course – forget about it, most of the times you will be the one to come up with an interesting point to dwell on. At the stage of choosing the headline for your essay, the Internet or any published media can be of a great help. Try searching for the information you are interested in, what fascinates