You could always give instructions to me on a new job and let me find away out to it. Once a specific task is given to me I accomplish it to make sure I make customers happy. When you tell me to do something specifically, I make sure that I get to it as soon as I have time in my hand. I have never argued with you about any specific task you have asked me to do. I made sure that if there were other thing to do prior to what you tell me to do; I took care of the things first so the job can be finished correctly. These are some of the examples to show you that I have always respected your authority. I have never doubted your knowledge about things that were going around.
Time management is another important aspect as regards to working and on this aspect I always make sure that I wake up early enough to get to work on time. I always come 15 minutes early to open up and have safety talk with the temporary employees. A lot of other workers come in late. But apart from coming in early I am also the last person to leave the offices to lock up again for the safety of the office items.
Whenever I have something real important to take care of and I am short handed, I make sure that I get other workers to help me out so that I can finish my job in a timely manner. Being on time and getting things done on time is real important for my job. Apart from my routine work this is part of my character.
I am always trying to make sure that I meet my daily goals at the same time making sure that I comply with Safety and quality Management systems. At times I get