When I walk into work I make sure the everything is stocked. I also have to make sure that the backline is QA ready (QA stands for quality assurance). After I finish making sure that we are ready for an inspector to walk in at any minute, I just kind of walk through and check on things. I take a look at the dishes, the floors, the dress table, and make a prep list for the pre-closer. As soon as I finish my walk through I make sure that I have no orders; …show more content…
It consists of doing dishes, cleaning the overshelf, and changing out all the trash cans. Doing the dishes is pretty self explanatory. You just have to wash the dishes. After I do the dishes I drain the water and fill up one sink with just hot water, so I can soak char in it. Then I do the overshelf. The overshelf consists of two steps taking the food from two pans and putting it on to one pan and washing the other pan. After you do those two things the next thing is simple change all the trash cans and take the trash out before it gets dark. After I bring the trash can back in I wash my hands and start the before nine list.
The before nine list is not that bad some people hate it because there is a lot of cleaning to do. This section of the closing list consists of cleaning char and the 9:1 cooler, stocking everything, and filling out the temp. book. Cleaning char isn’t that hard if I soak it in hot water. After it soaks for about ten minutes I take it out and just start cleaning it; this should take about fifteen minutes. As every patty cooks I take the temperature of each side of the patty and record it in the temp. book. Then I stock everything and that section of the closing list is