Data passes through the hub to reach other devices on the network.
Several devices having its own cable that connects to a central hub, or sometimes a switch, or even a Multi-station Access Unit (MAU). Data passes through the hub to reach other devices on the network.
Information is passed from one computer to another in either clock-wise direction or counter clock-wise direction and after receiving the information, the receiver must send the “acknowledgement” message (ACK message) back to the sender to complete the transmission.
All computers are connected together to form a loop
When a computer transmits data, the signal travels down the BUS in both directions and reaches all of the other computers .At the two open ends of a bus, there are terminators to kill/destroy/absorb the signal
All computers are connected to a main line
Full Mesh
Every node has a circuit, which connects to every other node in the network.
Some of the devices and nodes are connected through single hops and some are connected with more than one hop. In a true mesh topology, every node is connected to every other node in the network. When data is traveling in a mesh network, the network is automatically configured to take the shortest route to reach the destination. In other words, the data is transferred through least number of hops.
The full mesh topology is where all nodes are connected directly to all other nodes.
Each ring works independently until one is disabled when the network fails. When this takes place, the functioning ring automatically wraps around the disabled ring to ensure data flow.
A network redundant topology where nodes are connected using two concentric rings with four branches.
Hubs get connected to Central hub or Primary Hub that controls the traffic to the network.