During the enlightenment, ideas of what an ideal government and society should be started to arise among the peoples of the world. Philosophers like Thomas Hobbes and Baron de Montesquieu were some of the most famous of the time. Thomas Hobbes had the belief that there should be a totalitarian government. According to Hobbes, “the only way to escape civil war and to maintain a state of peace in a commonwealth is to institute an impartial and absolute sovereign power that is the final authority on all political issues.”(Finn). Having a totalitarian government according to Dictionary.com means, “exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others”(totalitarian government, n.d.) and someone having a following of people that agrees that taking away the freedom, will and thoughts of others is encouraged is someone who really …show more content…
In A White Man’s Burden the speaker calls the best white people to go and help the “savage” peoples of the places they capture like Asia, Africa, and South America by helping remove the fears held by the “uncivilized” people of the world and they must make sure they use simple and plain speech to get their point across, like speaking to a young child. Because of these people’s view on foreigners they were forced to live in fear and constant rule. A constant feeling of fear is no world of freedom and security, and because of how this idea was extremely popular at the time a large sum of the world was feeling like