Participation Sociology
The main level of inequity, after applying Figueroa's five level framework of equity, and studying the survey information, all aspects of the framework were found to affect the participation, but the main level being the institutional level.
Touch is fast and skilful game attracting participants of all shapes and sizes, genders and backgrounds. Touch began as a training game for the two rugby codes during the 1950's and 60's it was never seen as a sport in its own right.
Today touch enjoys a healthy level of participation both on a national front, with World Cups and Trans Tasman competitions as part of the representative calendar.
Despite the popularity of the sport throughout Australia, ILC has struggled to lure significant student numbers to their school teams. This report endeavours to identify the major sociological rates at ILC.
Sociologist Figueroa developed a framework, which allows for exploration and a greater understanding of equality issues, which exist in society and for the purpose of this report, those that are promoted in the ILC community. These levels are cultural, structural, Institutional, interpersonal and individual.
This framework has formed the basis of this report whereby the major equity issues, which influence the participation in touch at ILC, will be identified and thoroughly discussed.
Methods of research
Research for the report was targeted at the aspect of inequity between the participation of Touch football inside of Immanuel Lutheran College (ILC). Gathered data or statistics was going to be an essential factor, so a survey was created for parent's, coaches, teachers and students that are associated with the school. The survey was limited, though because the students who did the survey consisted of only grade 11's. A range of internet sites and handouts from class were also used.
Touch, or as it is formally known as Touch Football, comes from two