For my seminar paper i have chosen a topic that relates to most of us and it is quite important for understanding highly technological developed world in which we live today. It is also related to a social sciences and our studies about human resources menagament that contains different methods and ways to employ people.
I am going to talk about Touch screen performance by individuals with and without motor control disabilities.
In my opinion the main important of this research is that these results may help to improve accessibility of touch technology.
Firstly, I would like to talk about touch technology, which is becoming more important as functionality improves and cost decreases.
Therefore, it is important that this technology is accessible to users with diverse abilities. That is why i have chosen this topic which also includes disabled ones.
The research included four-digit entry task as the picture shows us:
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of button and gap size on performance by individuals with different motor abilities. What the research pointed out, as we can se on the pictures, was that ►misses and errors decrease as button size increases.
(1. And 2. Picture is showing us exactly what i have mentioned before. Lighter line shows non disabled ones and darker line is for those with different motor disssabilities. Dissabled ones had more misses as butten size decreses, than non disabled ones.)
The second finding is that ► Gap size did not have a significant effect on performance.
And the last one is that ► Disabled participants had more errors and misses, and required more time to complete tasks than non-disabled users. (1., 2., and 3. Picture; the last paragraph is showing us average time which is required to complete task. As we can see, the disabled ones needed more time to finnish their exrcise than non