* always respect all your follow team members
* ensure whether all the team members understand the project requirements.
* organize regular team meetings to understand the doubts and queries.
* keep every team member informed with the latest project updates.
* define the role and responsibility of every team members.
* when in a meeting or discussion, let everyone have their turn to speak and suggest.
* listen to others opinions and use their suggestion if found to be effective.
* ask for feedback and suggestion from your team members.
* always speak in a clear and slow manner.
* clear out personal differences and misunderstanding by speaking it out with the concerned person.
* make appropriate use of emails, telephones, voice messages and instant messengers while communicating with the fellow team members.
*avoid using unpleasant words, expressions, giving out sensitive and confidential information.
*display acknowledgement and appreciation through face to face interaction or electronic modes when a team member performs well.
*when appreciated or praised, thank the person in a polite and sophisticated manner.
*always have a friendly attitude towards each other.
*deal with tense situations with a calm mind.
*avoid blaming others continuously when any work is not done.
Gaynor shares the following techniques for effective communication: TIMELINES: it is crucial to remember that your business interests and business relationship may be spanning thr continents and hence, respecting timelines and calculating deadlines are of utmost important.
PROTOCOL: formal, as well as informal work environs demand respect for protocol.
TECHNOLOGY: make the most of corporate communication mediums available at your disposal build strong business relationships.
some barriers are follows: PHYSICAL BARRIERS: includes large working areas that are physically separated from others.