Find six academic definitions for tourism, tourist or travel. Discuss each of these six definitions and explain the merits and efficiencies of each one, making connections with the points raised by Leiper (1979) where possible. Then provide an overall discussion about which definition is best and for what reason/s.
Six definitions for the term Tourism were found from a variety of academic references, these being textbook and journal articles. They are discussed in terms of their merits and deficiencies, and then any connections with the points raised by Leiper (1979).
Tourism & Tourist Definition Identification
The six definitions are below, with relevant discussion and connection with Leiper (1979) following; 1. “…tourism should be defined conceptually as those aspects of leisure-time behaviour and their consequences which occur as a result of temporary trips away from the home environment and which are motivated exclusively by a concern for recreation matters.” (Heeley, 1980) 2. “…tourist as someone travelling for any purpose except commuting to and from work…” [ (Hunt & Layne, 1991) ] 3. “…Tourism appears to be becoming an acceptable term to singularly describe the activity of people taking trips away from home and the industry which has developed in response to this activity.” [ (Hunt & Layne, 1991) ] 4. “The…most popular way of defining tourist was by the purpose of the travel, with pleasure or vacation being prevalent terms, although specific types of purposes were also stated, such as “visiting friends and relatives,” “shopping,” “attending an event or attraction,” or “other than commercial business.” Whether respondents considered a business person a tourist is debatable, as some reported they were tourists and some reported that they were not.” [ (Masberg, 1998) ] 5. “The definition of tourism includes
Bibliography: Heeley, J. (1980). The definition of tourism in Great Britian: Does terminological confusion have to rule? The Tourist Review , 35 (2), 11-14. Hudman, L. E., & Jackson, R. H. (2003). Geography of Travel and Tourism (4th ed.). NY: Delmar Thomson Learning Inc. Hunt, J. D., & Layne, D. (1991). Evolution of travel and tourism terminology and definitions. Journal of Travel Research , 29 (7), 7-11. Leiper, N. (1979). The Framework of Tourism: Towards a Definition of Tourism, Tourist, and the Tourist Industry. Annuals of Tourism Research , 6 (4), 390-407. Masberg, B. (1998). Defining the Tourist: is it possible? A view from Convention and Visitors Bureau. Journal of Travel Research , 37 (1), 67-70.