Before hitting the target of tourism in india,let us first know what do we mean by TOURISM.(international).Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure, or business purposes.What the WTO(World Tourism Organisation) tells is that Tourism is people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".Now this can be considered as an exact definition.I know why you will be wondering of the phrase “more than one year”.
The answer’s simple guys!(It is because when people have to stay there for a long time,they need to have something called visa.So people basicall can’t stay in a foreign place for so long!.so that’s why).so now enough of the intro.Lets dig in to the main topic of the project TOURISM IN INDIA.
Now if we discuss lightly on this it”s not enough.we must explore the problems as well as the good factors that affect the tourism in india.First lets see the good and interesting facts first:
As per the statistics in the year 2011,4.5 million people visited India spending $10 billion!!.Now by this we can see that India earns some of its money by tourists from foreign nations.
India tourism registered a steep growth of 13% over the previous year!!Now that is an extremely steep rise compared to 2009 which was only 5.45%!!
India tourism has helped develop other sections of india such as handicrafts,horticulture,agriculture and construction.Isn’t it a wonderful thing to do rather than piling up the money? Now lets go to the hard facts:(Factors affecting)
International Tourism:
GDP of india
Demand and supply factors
Exchange rate fluctuat
Domestic Tourism:
Very poor income levels
Propensity(Inclination) of spending
Social factors:
Demographic(Population) changes like ageing population trends to healthier