References: Arnolds, M. J. and Reynolds, K. E., Hedonic shopping motivation. Journal of Retailing. 79 (2): 77-95 Baker, J, 1986. The role of the environment in marketing services: the customer perspective in the services challenge: integrating for competitive advantage. John A Czepiel, Carole A. Congram and James Shanahan eds. American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL: 79-84 Baker, J., Grewal, D. and Parasuraman, A., 1994. The influence of store environment on quality interferences and store image. Journal of the Academy Marketing Research. Vol 22: 328-340 Baker, J., Parasuraman, A., Grewal, D. and Voss, G.B., 2002. The influence of multiple store environment cues on perceived merchandise value and patronage intentions. Journal of Marketing (April): 120-141 Bitner, M. J., 1992. Servicescape: the impact of physical surroundings on customer and employee responses. Journal of Marketing. 54 (April): 69-82 Bitner, M. J. and Hubbert, A. R., 1994. Encounter satisfaction versus overall satisfaction versus quality. In service quality : new directions in theory and practice. Rolland T. Rust and Richard O. Oliver. London: Sage Broadbent, G., Bunt R. and Jencks, C., 1980. Signs, symbols and architecture. New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Golledge, R. G, 1987. Environmental cognition in Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Vol. 1, Daniel Stokols and Irwin Altman, eds. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Gotlieb, J. B., Grewal, D. and Brown, S. W., 1994. Consumer satisfaction and perceived quality: complementary or divergent constructs?. Journal of Applied Pscyhology. 79 (6): 875885 Ittelson, W. H., 1973. Environment and cognition. New York, USA: Seminar Press Kaplan, S. and Kaplan, R., 1982. Cognition and Environment. New York, USA: Praeger Publishers Lawson, R., Tidwell, P., Rainbird, P., Loudon, D. and Della Bitta, A., 1996. Consumer Behaviour in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney, New South Wales: McGraw Hill Magi, A. W., 2003. Share of wallet in retailing: the effects of customer satisfaction, loyalty cards and shopper characteristics. Journal of Retailing. 79 (2): 97-106 Marzusky, D. and Jacoby, J., 1986. Exploring the development of store images. Journal of Retailing. Vol. 62 (2): 145-165 ANZMAC 2005 Conference: Retailing, Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management 19 Neal, C., Quester, P. and Hawkins, D., 2004. Consumer Behaviour: implication for marketing strategy. North Ryde, New South Wales: Mc Graw-Hill Rogers, R. D., 1979. Variations in retail shopping behavior as a function of perceived information rate and optimum stimulation level. PhD Thesis. The University of Nebraska Lincoln. Rapoport, A., 1982. The meaning of built environment. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications Solomon, M. R., 2002. Consumer behavior: buying, having and being. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Schiffman, B. and Kanuk, W., 1997. Consumer Behaviour. Singapore: Prentice Hall Sirgy, M. J., Grewal, D. and Mangleburg, T., 2000. Retail environment, self congruity and retail patronage: an integrative model and a research agenda. Journal of Business Research. 49: 127-138 Steenkamp, J. E. M. and Baumgartner, H., 1995. Development and cross cultural validation of a short form of CSI as a measure of optimum stimulation level. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 13 (4): 319-329 Swan, J. E. and Trawick, I. F., 1981. Disconfirmation of expectation and satisfaction.with a retail service. Journal of Retailing. 57 (3): 49-67 Ward, J. C., Bitner, M. J. and Barnes, J., 1992. Measuring the prototypicality and meaning of retail environments. Journal of Retailing. 68 (2): 194-219 Westbrook, R. A. 1980. Intrapersonal affective influence on consumer satisfaction with products. Journal of Marketing Research. 7 (Juni): 49-54 ANZMAC 2005 Conference: Retailing, Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management 20
References: Arnolds, M. J. and Reynolds, K. E., Hedonic shopping motivation. Journal of Retailing. 79 (2): 77-95 Baker, J, 1986. The role of the environment in marketing services: the customer perspective in the services challenge: integrating for competitive advantage. John A Czepiel, Carole A. Congram and James Shanahan eds. American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL: 79-84 Baker, J., Grewal, D. and Parasuraman, A., 1994. The influence of store environment on quality interferences and store image. Journal of the Academy Marketing Research. Vol 22: 328-340 Baker, J., Parasuraman, A., Grewal, D. and Voss, G.B., 2002. The influence of multiple store environment cues on perceived merchandise value and patronage intentions. Journal of Marketing (April): 120-141 Bitner, M. J., 1992. Servicescape: the impact of physical surroundings on customer and employee responses. Journal of Marketing. 54 (April): 69-82 Bitner, M. J. and Hubbert, A. R., 1994. Encounter satisfaction versus overall satisfaction versus quality. In service quality : new directions in theory and practice. Rolland T. Rust and Richard O. Oliver. London: Sage Broadbent, G., Bunt R. and Jencks, C., 1980. Signs, symbols and architecture. New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Golledge, R. G, 1987. Environmental cognition in Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Vol. 1, Daniel Stokols and Irwin Altman, eds. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Gotlieb, J. B., Grewal, D. and Brown, S. W., 1994. Consumer satisfaction and perceived quality: complementary or divergent constructs?. Journal of Applied Pscyhology. 79 (6): 875885 Ittelson, W. H., 1973. Environment and cognition. New York, USA: Seminar Press Kaplan, S. and Kaplan, R., 1982. Cognition and Environment. New York, USA: Praeger Publishers Lawson, R., Tidwell, P., Rainbird, P., Loudon, D. and Della Bitta, A., 1996. Consumer Behaviour in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney, New South Wales: McGraw Hill Magi, A. W., 2003. Share of wallet in retailing: the effects of customer satisfaction, loyalty cards and shopper characteristics. Journal of Retailing. 79 (2): 97-106 Marzusky, D. and Jacoby, J., 1986. Exploring the development of store images. Journal of Retailing. Vol. 62 (2): 145-165 ANZMAC 2005 Conference: Retailing, Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management 19 Neal, C., Quester, P. and Hawkins, D., 2004. Consumer Behaviour: implication for marketing strategy. North Ryde, New South Wales: Mc Graw-Hill Rogers, R. D., 1979. Variations in retail shopping behavior as a function of perceived information rate and optimum stimulation level. PhD Thesis. The University of Nebraska Lincoln. Rapoport, A., 1982. The meaning of built environment. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications Solomon, M. R., 2002. Consumer behavior: buying, having and being. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Schiffman, B. and Kanuk, W., 1997. Consumer Behaviour. Singapore: Prentice Hall Sirgy, M. J., Grewal, D. and Mangleburg, T., 2000. Retail environment, self congruity and retail patronage: an integrative model and a research agenda. Journal of Business Research. 49: 127-138 Steenkamp, J. E. M. and Baumgartner, H., 1995. Development and cross cultural validation of a short form of CSI as a measure of optimum stimulation level. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 13 (4): 319-329 Swan, J. E. and Trawick, I. F., 1981. Disconfirmation of expectation and satisfaction.with a retail service. Journal of Retailing. 57 (3): 49-67 Ward, J. C., Bitner, M. J. and Barnes, J., 1992. Measuring the prototypicality and meaning of retail environments. Journal of Retailing. 68 (2): 194-219 Westbrook, R. A. 1980. Intrapersonal affective influence on consumer satisfaction with products. Journal of Marketing Research. 7 (Juni): 49-54 ANZMAC 2005 Conference: Retailing, Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management 20